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Accueil Journées d'étude 2021 WEBINAR: Concrete and sustainability – an update on ongoing efforts in Europe

Webinar Record


ECSN on the journey to more sustainable construction hold on 25th of november !


ECSN is the federation/network of European concrete societies comprising of 13 members. In this webinar, we have brought together experts from within ECSN circles to present examples of how the concrete construction sector can reduce its impact on the climate.


The earth faces great challenges. The UN Sustainable Development Goals set out a blueprint for achieving a more sustainable future for all of society, with Goal 13 requiring urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. The 2015 Paris Agreement further stipulates that the global temperature increase will be limited to below 2°C, with the aim of limiting it to 1.5°C. This is to be achieved primarily through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.


An increasing global population requires societal development with necessary associated housing and infrastructure. Yet, climate change action also requires that all of society works to reduce their impact on the climate. In many areas, concrete is the only building material that can meet long term quality and durability requirements. Therefore, concrete continues to be an essential material for building sustainably, and for creating the welfare demanded by today’s modern society.


The purpose of this webinar is to demonstrate the potential of the concrete sector to do more to reduce its impact. For example, continuing research across the globe has resulted in real progress being made in developing binders with a lower impact on the climate. Work is also being progressed which aims to build more optimised and slender construction elements. Additionally, a review of overly stringent regulations may also be required to allow for reductions in cement contents in certain construction sectors.


In parallel with all of this, the development of Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) is taking place. With Norway having more than 20 years’ experience of the geological storage of carbon dioxide, it is known that CCUS is technically possible. However, many challenges remain in its full development at scale. Other examples of the use of CCUS technology include new developments in the manufacture of concrete building blocks.

Our future requires that many solutions are needed; therefore, the whole of society must cooperate in meeting these challenges.


ECSN – European Concrete Societies Network

Webinar: Concrete and sustainability – an update on ongoing efforts in Europe.
Time: 25th of November, 12.30 – 17:00 (CET)


Fee: The webinar is free, but registration is needed for participation.








Moderators: Børge Johannes Wigum – Chairman of Icelandic Concrete Association & Cecilie Hagby – Managing Director of Norwegian Concrete Association.


12:30 Introduction: European Concrete Societies Network & Sustainability challenges for the concrete industry in Europe
Richard McCarthy, Chairman ECSN & Managing Director of the Swedish Concrete Association (Sweden)
12:45 A general overview on decarbonisation and resource efficiency in concrete construction
Lars Meyer, Managing Director of the German Society for Concrete and Construction Technology (Germany)
13:00 The path to circular economy in the cement and concrete industry
Brian Gilmore, Sustainability Manager, Cement Manufacturers Ireland (Ireland)
13:25 Circular solutions within the concrete industry to reach climate ambitions
Sigríður Ósk Bjarnadóttir, University of Iceland (Iceland)
13:45 Roadmap for climate neutral concrete in Sweden
Malin Löfsjögård, Managing Director of the Swedish Concrete Federation (Sweden)
15:05 Break
14:15 Novel approaches used and future ideas of sustainability in Austria
Konrad Bergmeister, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria)
14:35 NeoCem project – Fitness for use of new Belgian composite cements
Filip Van Rickstal, Managing Directorof the Belgian Cement Research Centre (Belgium)
14:55 Development of low carbon classification for concretes
Jouni Punkki, Concrete Technology, Aalto University (Finland)
15:15 How a classification system has lowered the carbon footprint for concrete in Norway
Sverre Smeplass, Chief Advisor Skanska (Norway)
15:35 Break
15:45 Sustainable concrete structures – implementation of principles in a new fib Model Code 2020
Petr Hájek, Department of Architectural Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)
16:05 The UK concrete and cement industry road map to beyond net zero – an overview and update on progress of related initiatives
Elaine Toogood, Head of Architecture, MPA, The Concrete Centre (UK)
16:25 The Danish Sustainable Concrete Initiative
Dorthe Mathiesen, Head of the Danish Concrete Association (Denmark)
16:45 Summary and general discussions



  • Details
  • Time: 25th of November, 12.30 – 17:00 (CET)